How to make
Frintezza Quest
Oky if any one want to make
Quest for Frintezza he must do that
1. use
Nobless Teleport to
Four sepulcher .
Frintezza Quest |
Frintezza Quest |
From him you must take
Four Goblets.
Frintezza Quest | must enter and kill
Raid Boss Shadow Of Halisha
Frintezza Quest |
from him you take this:
Frintezza Quest |
4. and when you have all
4 Goblests then you must speak whit
NPC:Nameless Spirit and take
Journey to a Settlement
Frintezza Quest |
Frintezza Quest |
Frintezza Quest |
and now you must go in
Wall of Argos and kill
Frintezza Quest |
When you got the
Antilope Skin you must go back to
Frintezza Quest |
When you speak whit
NPC you will get the
Quest item
Frintezza Quest |
Whit this you can
Enter your
Party in
Frintezza Room (only
Party Leader can
Enter him pt )